Leadership Training

Every Business is as Successful as its Managers

In collaboration with IMAP – a consulting company for personnel and organizational development – Uta Schulz – SveTys offers leadership training for leaders or those who want to become leaders. The training is tailored to each organization and public administration and is organized in modules.

The goal is to increase the competence and ability of managers, HR and project managers to engage and motivate their employees and at the same time develop the business and the organization.

Leadership training is interactive and self-reflective. It focuses on:

  • leadership and the leader’s tasks
  • different leadership styles
  • the different roles of the leader
  • communication models
  • motivation theories
  • approaches to conflict resolution.

The participants come to self-insight and get to know different perspectives. At the same time, leadership training provides the opportunity for supportive partnerships among participants during the training process so that participants can develop a personal and authentic management style that motivates and inspires colleagues and employees while developing the business and organization.

Employees come because of the company’s reputation – they leave because of the managers. You can make a difference.

Leadership Training