Compact Swedish Business Culture

‘Geschäftskultur Schweden kompakt’ – published by CONBOOK, Meerbusch

This ‘Compact Swedish Business Culture’ guide is published in German and aimed at German speaking business people, freelancers and employees working, or wanting to work, together with Swedish busi- ness partners. It gives a deep, comprehensive picture of Swedish business culture. It delivers expertise in a compact handy format to facilitate smooth German-Swedish cooperation and how doing business in Sweden.

At first glance Germans see Swedish business partners as open, friendly and “down-to-earth”. Looking more closely they often wonder why the Swedes are not faster at closing business deals and appear not to keep to agreements made.

‘Compact Swedish Business Culture’ explains the background and interdependencies giving helpful practical tips. This informative guide, for example, helps to understand the indirect Swedish style of communication. You will become aware of subtle signals from your project partners from the far north and be able to interpret them correctly, forming the basis for smooth cooperation and for successful, intercultural business relationships. This book can help you to structure your intercultural management to optimize bi-national cooperation, and even give you the competitive edge in your domestic market.

First reactions to ‘Compact Swedish Business Culture’ guide

“A very readable book, not only for those who have or seek business contact in Sweden.”


“Uta Schulz gives clear, sound, practical advice on the totally underestimated differences between Ger- man and Swedish business culture. In meetings, negotiations or during a visit to a private house, there is not one page of this book without a real eye-opening piece of sound advice. Slowly it becomes clear: the Swedes are successful in a completely different way to the Germans. Excellent collaboration can be the result when you understand why and how, if not, inefficiency is guaranteed. In conclusion: „From now on this guide is a ‘must’ for all those who have contact to Sweden.”

(Peter Marx, Schweden aktuell – the Swedish Chamber of Commerce’smagazine)

“After reading this entertaining book which will often bring a smile to your face as you read how to skilfully avoid the pitfalls from the very beginning, you will gain plus points from your Swedish business partners as you gather experience on their culture and customs. A real help for entering the Swedish business world.”

(Gerald Grusser,Schwedish Honourary Consul for Thurinia)

Order your copy direct from CONBOOK Verlag*, or wherever you can buy German books.

Uta Schulz
Geschäftskultur Schweden kompakt
ISBN 978-3-943176-65-0
11,95 €

More reviews

Navigating the Land of Lagom – Blog-Beitrag

Wie Schweden Geschäfte machen – Rezension im Speyer Kurier

application/pdf Geschäftskultur Schweden - Rezension in Schweden aktuell (1,5 MB)

Rezension Blog Rainer Klute


Swedish Business Culture