Intercultural Coaching Denmark

Both Denmark and Germany are as international leaders comparable on the entrepreneurial level as well as the economic level and are extremely successful. Their paths to success do however differ somewhat. When differences are not recognized in Danish-German relationships they can easily lead to misunderstandings or even blocking from both sides resulting in breakdowns in communication.

Being aware of different situations and a targeted approach to handling them with the different
cultures provides a key to new potential and approaches to problem solving, supporting domestic as well as international competitive ability in your company.

Intercultural competence when working together with Denmark is your key to success.

Aims of Intercultural Training about Denmark

Learn about Danish culture, how to recognize and understand what is below the surface. At the same time reflecting on your own thinking and action patterns, observing yourself and gaining from new perspectives.

This facilitates:

  • Seamless cooperation in especially in German-Danish teams
  • Smooth intercultural communication with Denmark and Danes
  • Seamless, successful intercultural project management
  • The right decisions for the Danish market
  • Successful negotiations with Danes
  • Successful communication with Danish staff, customers and suppliers
  • New approaches to problem solving
  • New thinking and solution strategies
  • Early recognition of conflict and finding solutions
  • Avoiding or reducing culture shock
  • Avoiding bad investments

Target group for Intercultural Workshop about Denmark

Intercultural training or workshop about Denmark is advisable for Germans, and also for Swedish and Norwegian experts and managers who work together with the Danes, for expats as preparation for a stay in Denmark and to penetrate the Danish market.

An intercultural training course or workshop can ideally be held for up to twelve staff.

Target group for Intercultural Coaching about Denmark

Intercultural one-to-one coaching about Denmark can be useful for especially Germans but also for Swedish and Norwegian, experts or managers who need individual preparation for international assignments or who want to prepare individually and intensively for cooperation with Denmark, or who would like support as they work in Denmark.

Coaching, Training or Workshop about Denmark?

Your goal, your situation and number of participants determine the format: intercultural coaching,
intercultural training, intercultural workshop, intercultural team building or even intercultural impulse lectures – each format has advantages and disadvantages. We choose the format that suits you best and tailor the content to your needs.

Content for Intercultural Trainings, Workshops or Coaching about Denmark

An intercultural workshop about Denmark creates awareness for the participants of their own
cultural patterns and what effects they have on their own thoughts and action patterns as well as their
company culture.

For comparison we will work from a holistic point of view on the cultural background finding out what makes the Danes tick, their world and their concept of mankind, their thought and action patterns.

The content will be determined after a needs analysis or personal interviews with the participants or client.

An intercultural training, workshop or coaching about Denmark can include the following topics:

  • The country and its people
  • History, economy, society and politics

You will be sensitized to:

  • Danish culture as well as the Danish way of thinking and behaviour patterns
  • Your own cultural footprint, your thought and action patterns
  • Dynamics and processes that can be created when working on intercultural communication and cooperation.

You experience what effect cultural patterns have on:

  • Perception, thought, emotions and behaviour
  • Value judgment
  • Danish business culture
    • (Intercultural) communication (meetings, presentations, feedback, appraisal interviews etc.)
    • Leadership and hierarchy
    • Negotiations
    • Teamwork
    • Decision-making
    • Project management
    • Conflict management
    • Organisation
    • Marketing
    • Expectations from companies and authorities

In behavioural training and communication training you learn:

  • Appropriate behaviour for and with Danish-German, Danish-Swedish, and Danish-Norwegian teams (leadership, communication, behaviour etc.)
  • To recognize and avoid possible conflict
  • To handle various problem-solving approaches
  • Business etiquette
  • Small talk and taboos
  • Do‘s and don‘ts, avoiding the classic mistakes

Methods for an Intercultural Training or Workshop about Denmark

An intercultural training, coaching or workshop about Denmark is created to meet either your, or the customers’, targets. Taking a holistic view you will interactively experience, using diverse methods the various points of view, thought and behaviour patterns leading you to surprising new insights.

There are many interactive methods including:

  • Individual and small-group work
  • Exercises for self-reflection
  • Experience transfer and exchange
  • Short input sessions
  • Group discussion
  • Best practice and case studies
  • Self-tests
  • Role plays
  • Simulations and
  • Analysing video sequences

When should an Intercultural Training or Workshop about Denmark be Recommended?

An intercultural training, workshop or coaching about Denmark are always a good idea if you want to work long-term and successfully with Danes and Denmark.

Especially when:

  • You want to penetrate the Danish market
  • You buy a Danish company or work in close cooperation with one
  • You have a joint project with the Danish
  • A Swedish, German or Norwegian company merges with a Danish one
  • Change processes with Danish staff or German-Danish, or Swedish-Danish, or Norwegian-Danish staff are undertaken and should be sustainable
  • You are sent on international assignment to Denmark
  • You work in or with German-Danish, or Swedish-Danish, or Norwegian-Danish teams
  • You have the feeling that communication is not seamless and conflict begins to emerge
  • For partners, spouses and families accompanying those on international assignment in Denmark
  • Management staff, who want to optimally utilize the potential of international and German-Danish, or Swedish-Danish, or Norwegian-Danish teams.
Denmark intercultural