Profile Uta Schulz

Born in southern Germany, grew up in Hamburg. Since 2003 consultant and coach based in Reinbek on the border with Hamburg. She is a certified consultant for systemic organization development and a certified intercultural coach.

Language skills:

German, Swedish, English; Danish and Norwegian passively


  • Organization development especially in combination with intercultural and international issues
  • Executive development
  • intercultural staff development (training, coaching, team building)
  • Large group facilitation
  • Coaching

Specialization in Countries

Denmark, (Finland), Norway, Sweden, Germany, Scandinavia, Austria, Switzerland

Principles for Organizational Development

The “midwife principle”, helping people to help themselves: the clients are supported in getting relevant insights and implementation until the goal is achieved. The execution and responsibility lies with the clients.

Appreciative and resource-oriented involvement of staff affected in the search for solutions by gathering their experience and (detailed) know-how

Focus on people: their strengths and potential, not on staff weaknesses and deficits

Transparency in all phases of the consulting and development processes


Education and Studies

1986-1987: school year at Spånga Gymnasium, Stockholm, natural sciences
1989: Baccalaureate Meiendorf Grammar School, Hamburg
1989-1998: General Business Administration with an emphasis on industry in addition to Scandinavia studies (majored in both)
1996-1997: Studied at Stockholm University


Work during Studies

  • research assistant at the Scandinavian Institute, University of Hamburg
  • student and summer jobs at German-Swedish and German-Scandinavian companies
  • guide for German study trips in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

Additional Qualifications (selection)

2013–2014: Training to “Systemic organization developer” at IOS – Institut für Organisations entwicklung & Systemische Beratung Prof. Schley & Partner GmbH, Hamburg
2017: “Certificate course in industrial psychology”, AKAD University
2018: (february)Certification as an intercultural trainer at the University of Osnabrück, Institute for Psychology
2019: (autum/winter) Systemischer Business Professional, Veränderungsprozesse wirksam initiieren und begleiten, Academy of Change, Handelsblatt Fachmedien
2020: Grundkurs Zürcher Ressourcenmodell ZRM® online durch Gerda Köster und online und unter der Leitung von Dr. Maja Storch
2019: (December)The Best Of Neuroscience, 11th International Science Forum 2019, AFNB
2020 Basic course Zurich Resource Model ZRM® online by Gerda Köster and online under the direction of Dr. Maja Storch
2021: Evicence-based conceptualisation of Intercultural Training, FernUniversität Hagen
2022: Training to become a Finder‘s Talent Expert, Dr. Hastenrath GmbH

Professional Experience

1998-1999: freelance translator, interpreter, language teacher
1999-2001: head of production and marketing at ROXX Media Deutschland, publishers of  customer magazines (Verlag für Kundenzeitungen GmbH)
Seit 2003: freelance work as intercultural trainer, consultant and coach under the SveTys brand

Target Groups

Coaching, training and consultation at all hierarchical levels: Board of managers, managing directors, specialists and senior managers in sales, marketing, product development, engineering, research and development, human resources, office workers etc.

In addition Uta Schulz – SveTys has experience in Workshops with students and young professionals, (consultative) support during international youth exchange programs as well as in training with vocational trainees.


Experience in the Following Fields (selection)

  • Manufacturing industry (automobile, energy, engineering industry…)
  • The service sector (insurance, finance, hotels, tourism ...)
  • Media
  • University
  • Pharmaceuticals and medical technology
  • Construction industry, construction products
  • Logistics
  • Shipyards

References (selection)

  • Coaching in change processes
  • Establishment of “communication mechanisms” to improve the Idea Management
  • Strategy and Vision Workshops
  • Leadership development for managers and executives at insurance company (in modules)
  • Intercultural consulting, coaching and training at all hierarchy levels during restructuring
  • Intercultural workshop to develop appropriate marketing strategies for Scandinavia in a logistics group
  • Intercultural teambuilding to improve process coordination in a trans-national team in the logistics sector
  • Intercultural training, coaching and consulting before opening up the Scandinavian markets
  • Preparation for international assignments for Denmark, Norway and Sweden
  • Preparation for international assignments for Germany for Swedish and Finnish expats e.g. in medical technology and the toy industry
  • Intercultural facilitation of large groups supra-company level to improve cooperation when constructing offshore wind parks
  • Large group teambuilding in a trans-national company in the wind energy sector
  • Intercultural large group facilitation at German-Finnish team event


Title: Geschäftskultur Schweden kompakt, handbook on Swedish business culture in German

CONBOOK Verlag, ISBN 978-3-943176-65-0, 2014

Profile Uta Schulz